Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mothers Day!

Hello Hummingbird families! 
We have had a busy week transitioning out of our life cycle theme and entering into a study of the solar system. We have been reading books and making puzzles that focus on the planets. We have also been discussing the big bang theory! Yesterday we hung up a model of the solar system. The Hummingbirds have loved exploring and touching the planets.  

Another new and exciting development is with our classroom caterpillars! They have formed cocoons this week and will most likely turn into butterflies this weekend! Next week we will take a walk to the park and let them fly free. 

On behalf of all of the Hummingbird teachers I would like to extend a BIG Thank you for the lovely treats and kind words during teacher appreciation week! 

We hope you all liked your Mother's Day gifts, the Hummingbirds worked hard on them all week. Have a lovely Mothers Day and a wonderful weekend. 

** If you are interested in the way we introduced the big bang theory or reinforcing the topic at all, here is my big bang theory lesson plan: 

The Big Bang Theory

You will need:
One black boaster board
Glue bottle
Small clear plastic bag
Small pieces of tissue paper
10 pom poms to represent the sun and planets
1. The sun= giant yellow
2. Mercury= small black
3. Venus= medium bright pink
4. Earth= medium blue
5. Mars= small red
6. Jupiter= large orange
7. Saturn= large yellow
8. Uranus= large green
9. Neptune= large purple
10. Pluto= Tiny light blue
Show the children a picture of the solar system
Ask: What is this? What do you know about the solar system?
Place small pieces of tissue paper and pom poms inside bag
Place poster board on the floor in front of you.
Turn off the lights
Begin by blowing into bag  (gets children’s attention)
Say, “I am going to tell you a story of something that scientist say happened a long, long, long time ago before you were born. Before your parents were born, before their parents were born, before I was born, before any people or animals, before there were any cars, buildings, trees and even before any dinosaurs.”
Say, “There was something called matter.”
Say, “Matter is anything that takes up space.”
(Point out some things in the environment that are matter. Point out that they are matter and they are taking up space in the classroom.)
Blow into bag once, twice or more to Inflate bag.
“With all that matter, there was lots of energy.”
Say, “Energy makes heat.”
Rub your hands together and have the children rub their hands together then feel your hands on your checks. Have the children do the same.
 Say, “Energy makes heat.”
Begin twisting the opening of the bag.
Increase the pace as you say,
Say, “And there was energy! And heat! ”
        “Energy! And heat!  Energy! And heat!”
        “With all that energy and heat, there was a big (hit the bag to pop it.) Explosion! ”
Say, “Scientist call this explosion, The Big Bang Theory.”
Pick up the sun (big yellow pom pom)
At this point another teacher can turn the lights back on.
Say, “ The sun is a hot star. It gives us light. It’s full of energy.”
Pick up the planets, one at a time.
Glue them to the poster board in planetary order.
When you pick up each planet say,
“Mercury is hot too.”
“Venus is the brightest planet.”
“Earth is home to me and you.”
“Mars is the red one.”
“Jupiter is most wide.”
“Saturn has icy rings.”
“And Uranus spins on its side.”
“Neptune is really windy.”
“And Pluto is really small. It’s a dwarf planet.

Optional: Show a picture of the solar system
Then invite individual children to glue on matter (tissue paper) to the poster board.

Vocabulary introduced:
Matter: Anything that takes up space

Children can make their own big bang collage.

Pictures from the week :)

Teacher appreciation week goodies!! Thank you all so much for the generous gifts! We absolutely love teaching and taking care of the Hummingbirds!

We had a little Frozen party one day after nap. The Hummingbirds read Frozen books and sang along to the soundtrack. 

Bikes in the backyard!

Our Solar system puzzle

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